Here is my problem I'm hoping you guru's can help me figure out. I have a text file that contains comma delimited columns. What I'm looking to do is see if the 24th column on each row in the file contains a value (not null), and then write/append that line to a different file.
I've been... (4 Replies)
I have a text file with rows of information (it is basically a ls command information(o/p from ls command))
I need to remove the lines ending with a .cnt extension and keep the lines ending with .zip extension, how to accomplish this.
I also only need the date,size and name of the file from every... (2 Replies)
I am attempting to insert multiple lines of text into a specific place in a text file based on the lines above or below it.
For example, Here is a portion of a zone file.
IN NS ns1.domain.tld.
IN NS ns2.domain.tld.
IN ... (2 Replies)
I am trying to remove the lines listed in example File A from File B to achieve File C. Both files are much larger than the examples below. (File B has up to 6,000 lines).
I have searched the forums and I have not been able to find an answer to this particular question.
I tried
grep -v -f... (2 Replies)
I'm writing a script where every file you create will generate a md5sum and store it into a text file.
Say I create 2 files, it'll look like this in the text file:
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /helloworld/saystheman
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /helloworld/test
I... (3 Replies)
Hi Everybody! First post! Totally noobie.
I'm using the terminal to read a poorly formatted book.
The text file contains, in the middle of paragraphs, hyphenation to split words that are supposed to be on multiple pages. It looks ve -- ry much like this.
I was hoping to use grep -v " -- "... (5 Replies)
I have an issue at work, which requires a simple solution. But, after multiple attempts, I have not been able to hit on the code needed.
I am assuming that sed, awk or even perl could do what I need.
I have an application that adds extra blank page feeds, for multiple reports, when... (7 Replies)
Hello Gurus,
I have a multiple pipe separated files which have records going over multiple Lines. End of line separator is \n and records going over multiple lines have <CR> as separator. below is example from one file.
1|ABC DEF|100|10
3| UVWXYZ|300|30
4| GHIJKL|400|40... (7 Replies)
I have a file similar to the below. I am selecting only the paragraphs with @inlineifset.
I am using the following command
sed '/@inlineifset/,/^ *$/!d;
s/@inlineifset{mrg, @btpar{@//' $flnm >> $ofln
This produces
@section Correlations between
... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: Danette
5 Replies
ZGREP(1) General Commands Manual ZGREP(1)NAME
zgrep - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zgrep [ grep_options ] [ -e ] pattern filename...
Zgrep is used to invoke the grep on compress'ed or gzip'ed files. All options specified are passed directly to grep. If no file is speci-
fied, then the standard input is decompressed if necessary and fed to grep. Otherwise the given files are uncompressed if necessary and
fed to grep.
If zgrep is invoked as zegrep or zfgrep then egrep or fgrep is used instead of grep. If the GREP environment variable is set, zgrep uses
it as the grep program to be invoked. For example:
for sh: GREP=fgrep zgrep string files
for csh: (setenv GREP fgrep; zgrep string files)
Charles Levert (
SEE ALSO grep(1), egrep(1), fgrep(1), zdiff(1), zmore(1), znew(1), zforce(1), gzip(1), gzexe(1)ZGREP(1)