ksh: How to store each output line into a different variable?
Example output:
I want each output line assigned to its own variable, ie:
"line1" --> $a
"line2" --> $b
"line3" --> $c
"line4" --> $d
Is this possible without writing to a temporary file?
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Start date Status Ret. Class Label
-------------------- ------------ ------------ ... (2 Replies)
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cam(1) General Commands Manual cam(1)
cam - CPU'S AUDIO MIXER for Linux
cam [-v x,y] [--volume x,y] [-b x,y] [--bass x,y] [-t x,y] [--treble x,y] [-s x,y] [--synth x,y] [-p x,y] [--pcm x,y] [-S x,y]
[--speaker x,y] [-l x,y] [--line x,y] [-m x,y] [--mic x,y] [-c x,y] [--cd x,y] [-M x,y] [--mixer x,y] [-a x,y] [--altpcm x,y] [-r
x,y] [--reclev x,y] [-i x,y] [--igain x,y] [-o x,y] [--ogain x,y] [-l1 x,y] [--line1 x,y] [-l2 x,y] [--line2 x,y] [-l3 x,y] [--line3
x,y] [-3d 1|0] [--3dse 1|0] [-agc 1|0] [--agc 1|0] [-h] [-?] [--help] [-get] [-save] [-getfile filename] [-savefile filename]
This is an audio mixer for Linux. You have the choice to use it with an interface or at the command line.
When using the interface you can use the following keys :
decrease the volume of the current device.
increase the volume of the current device.
go to previous device.
go to next device.
L locks or unlocks :
unlocked : you can control the left and right channel
lock : left and right channel are controlled together.
R turn on/off recording mode :
red lamp : recording turned on
green lamp : recording turned off
3 turn on/off 3D Stereo Enhancement (3DSE) device :
when turned on green indicator 3D will be lit at the left side of main volume handle.
A turn on/off microphone Automatic Gain Control :
when turned on green indicator AGC will be lit at the left side of microphone volume handle.
S save the settings of ALL devices in a file ($HOME/.camrc)
G loads the saved settings and restores them.
H shows the help screen.
Q/ESC exits the program and returns to shell.
NOTE: you can use upper or lower case.
When using the command line options the interface is not shown.
The following options are available :
-v, --volume x,y
Set 'volume' to x (left) and y (right)
-b, --bass x,y
Set 'bass' to x (left) and y (right)
-t, --trebble x,y
Set 'treble' to x (left) and y (right)
-s, --synth x,y
Set 'synth' to x (left) and y (right)
-p, --pcm x,y
Set 'pcm' to x (left) and y (right)
-S, --speaker x,y
Set 'speaker' to x (left) and y (right)
-l, --line x,y
Set 'line in' to x (left) and y (right)
-m, --mic x,y
Set 'microphone' to x (left) and y (right)
-c, --cd x,y
Set 'CD in' to x (left) and y (right)
-I, --imix x,y
Set 'mixer' to x (left) and y (right)
-a, --altpcm x,y
Set 'altpcm' to x (left) and y (right)
-r, --reclev x,y
Set 'record level' to x (left) and y (right)
-i, --igain x,y
Set 'input gain' to x (left) and y (right)
-o, --ogain x,y
Set 'output gain' to x (left) and y (right)
-l1, --line1 x,y
Set 'line 1' to x (left) and y (right)
-l2, --line2 x,y
Set 'line 2' to x (left) and y (right)
-l3, --line3 x,y
Set 'line 3' to x (left) and y (right)
-3d, --3dse 1|0
Set 3D Stereo Enhancement to 1 (on) or 0 (off)
-agc, --agc 1|0
Set Automatic Gain Control for microphone to 1 (on) or 0 (off)
-get restore the saved values from $HOME/.camrc
-save save the values to $HOME/.camrc
-getfile filename
restore the saved values from file 'filename'
-savefile filename
save the values to file 'filename'
-h, -?, --help
displays help
NOTE: x and y are in range from 1 to 100. Higher or lower numbers are
None known as yet. If you find one, please let me know.
Jan 'TWP' VANDENBERGHE <jvdbergh@uia.ua.ac.be>