yes. I need to split the files according to given input values. Only thing is input values are almost 50. But if consider the position the input values will become less as shown below.
aaa 1111 ee3456
bbb 2222 bb7658
kkk 8888 nn1234
hhh 5555 bb4444
lll 9999 ee0987
if you aboserve the above in 3rd colomn first 2 letters are repeating. so if i consider the position (11th to 15th). i can give only 10 input values.
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PLPTEX(3plplot) PLplot API PLPTEX(3plplot)
plptex - Write text inside the viewport
plptex(x, y, dx, dy, just, text)
Writes text at a specified position and inclination within the viewport. Text is clipped at the viewport boundaries. The reference point
of a string lies along a line passing through the string at half the height of a capital letter. The position of the reference point along
this line is determined by just, the reference point is placed at world coordinates (x, y) within the viewport. The inclination of the
string is specified in terms of differences of world coordinates making it easy to write text parallel to a line in a graph.
Redacted form: plptex(x, y, dx, dy, just, text)
This function is used in example 2-4,10,12-14,20,23,24,26.
x (PLFLT, input)
x coordinate of reference point of string.
y (PLFLT, input)
y coordinate of reference point of string.
dx (PLFLT, input)
Together with dy, this specifies the inclination of the string. The baseline of the string is parallel to a line joining (x, y) to
(x+dx, y+dy).
dy (PLFLT, input)
Together with dx, this specifies the inclination of the string.
just (PLFLT, input)
Specifies the position of the string relative to its reference point. If just=0., the reference point is at the left and if
just=1., it is at the right of the string. Other values of just give intermediate justifications.
text (const char *, input)
The string to be written out.
Geoffrey Furnish and Maurice LeBrun wrote and maintain PLplot. This man page was automatically generated from the DocBook source of the
PLplot documentation, maintained by Alan W. Irwin and Rafael Laboissiere.
PLplot documentation at http://plplot.sourceforge.net/resources.
August, 2012 PLPTEX(3plplot)