ssh command on remote linux system hanging
Our systems:
system1: amd 64 running suse linux 9 enterprize
system2: amd 64 running esx vmware 3 with suse linux 9 enterprize.
The problem is:
when we ssh into system2 and execute the command:
ls -al
the session hangs. Infact session hangs when we execute any command returning multiple rows (by pressing the ctrl y we are able to come out of the hang, but no result).
Similar problem occur when running:
ssh system2 "ls -al /opt/oracle"
,but if we run the following:
ssh system2 "ls /opt/oracle" the output is ok it's also ok if you are on
system2 and execute: ls
All suggestions will be most appreciated.
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uusend(1) General Commands Manual uusend(1)
uusend - Sends a file to a remote host
uusend [-m mode] local_file system1! system2! ...!remote_file
The uusend command sends a file to a given location on a remote system.
Specifies that the mode of the file on the remote system be taken from the octal number given. If this flag is not specified, the mode of
the input file is used.
The remote system does not need to be directly connected to the local system, but a chain of uucp links needs to connect the two system.
The following environment variables affect the execution of uusend: [Tru64 UNIX] Specifies the flow control used on the connection. Per-
mitted values are: HW (hardware), SW (software), HSW (hardware and software), and NONE. The uugetty on the remote system must also use the
same flow control. Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) for uucico to try to establish a connection before it times out. A value of
0 (zero) indicates an unlimited amount of time.
Commands: ct(1), cu(1), tip(1), uucico(8), uucleanup(8), uucp(1), uuencode(1), uulog(1), uuname(1), uupick(1), uusched(8), uustat(1),
uuto(1), uux(1)