Try connecting the suspect switch directly to the router.
Also have you checked the switch port configs...make sure you confirm the port on the good switch and the interconnecting port on the suspect.
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sepolicy-network(8) sepolicy-network(8)
sepolicy-network - Examine the SELinux Policy and generate a network report
sepolicy network [-h] (-l | -a application [application ...] | -p PORT [PORT ...] | -t TYPE [TYPE ...] | -d DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...])
Use sepolicy network to examine SELinux Policy and generate network reports.
-a, --application
Generate a report listing the ports to which the specified init application is allowed to connect and or bind.
-d, --domain
Generate a report listing the ports to which the specified domain is allowed to connect and or bind.
-l, --list
List all Network Port Types defined in SELinux Policy
-h, --help
Display help message
-t, --type
Generate a report listing the port numbers associate with the specified SELinux port type.
-p, --port
Generate a report listing the SELinux port types associate with the specified port number.
sepolicy network -p 22
22: tcp ssh_port_t 22
22: udp reserved_port_t 1-511
22: tcp reserved_port_t 1-511
sepolicy network -a /usr/sbin/sshd
sshd_t: tcp name_connect
111 (portmap_port_t)
53 (dns_port_t)
88, 750, 4444 (kerberos_port_t)
9080 (ocsp_port_t)
9180, 9701, 9443-9447 (pki_ca_port_t)
32768-61000 (ephemeral_port_t)
all ports < 1024 (reserved_port_type)
all ports with out defined types (port_t)
sshd_t: tcp name_bind
22 (ssh_port_t)
5900-5983, 5985-5999 (vnc_port_t)
6000-6020 (xserver_port_t)
32768-61000 (ephemeral_port_t)
all ports > 500 and < 1024 (rpc_port_type)
all ports with out defined types (port_t)
sshd_t: udp name_bind
32768-61000 (ephemeral_port_t)
all ports > 500 and < 1024 (rpc_port_type)
all ports with out defined types (port_t)
This man page was written by Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com>
sepolicy(8), selinux(8), semanage(8)
20121005 sepolicy-network(8)