integers in the if statement

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting integers in the if statement
# 1  
Old 01-22-2008
integers in the if statement

hi, im trying to compare two variables in csh to put in an if statement, eg:

set a = $firstnum
set b = $secondnum
if ($a -ge $b) echo $a

But I get an error ("if: Expression syntax"). How can I make csh see my variables as integers?

thanks in advance!
# 2  
Old 01-22-2008
Your code have the syntactical errors

if [ $a -ge $b ]
echo $a

# 3  
Old 01-22-2008
Originally Posted by Anji
Your code have the syntactical errors

if [ $a -ge $b ]
echo $a

im using csh, this has always been the form of if that i have been using...
# 4  
Old 01-22-2008
You should use greater than symbol

Originally Posted by Deanne
hi, im trying to compare two variables in csh to put in an if statement, eg:

set a = $firstnum
set b = $secondnum
if ($a -ge $b) echo $a

But I get an error ("if: Expression syntax"). How can I make csh see my variables as integers?

thanks in advance!
if ($a > $b) echo $a
# 5  
Old 01-22-2008
thanks ranjithpr! it works. it was my first instinct to do that but the "-gt" was what the man pages indicate. i should have tried that one.
# 6  
Old 01-22-2008
if ( $a -ge $b) then
echo $a
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