Script to Serach pattern and give number of occurrences

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Old 02-21-2014
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Tcl_StringMatch(3)					      Tcl Library Procedures						Tcl_StringMatch(3)


Tcl_StringMatch, Tcl_StringCaseMatch - test whether a string matches a pattern SYNOPSIS
#include <tcl.h> int Tcl_StringMatch(string, pattern) int Tcl_StringCaseMatch(string, pattern, nocase) ARGUMENTS
char *string (in) String to test. char *pattern (in) Pattern to match against string. May contain special characters from the set *?[]. int nocase (in) Specifies whether the match should be done case-sensitive (0) or case-insensitive (1). _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This utility procedure determines whether a string matches a given pattern. If it does, then Tcl_StringMatch returns 1. Otherwise Tcl_StringMatch returns 0. The algorithm used for matching is the same algorithm used in the ``string match'' Tcl command and is similar to the algorithm used by the C-shell for file name matching; see the Tcl manual entry for details. | In Tcl_StringCaseMatch, the algorithm is the same, but you have the option to make the matching case-insensitive. If you choose this (by | passing nocase as 1), then the string and pattern are essentially matched in the lower case. KEYWORDS
match, pattern, string Tcl 8.1 Tcl_StringMatch(3)