Count the number of occurrences of a pattern between each occurrence of a different pattern

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Count the number of occurrences of a pattern between each occurrence of a different pattern
# 1  
Old 11-09-2009
Count the number of occurrences of a pattern between each occurrence of a different pattern

I need to count the number of occurrences of a pattern, say 'key', between each occurrence of a different pattern, say 'lu'.

Here's a portion of the text I'm trying to parse:

lu S1234L_149_m1_vg.6, part-att 1, vdp-att 1  p-reserver IID 0xdb
   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (217) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862398
   target (6) fcp portName=0x2007000123000591 nodeName=0x2000000123000591

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (217) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862398
   target (18936) fcp portName=0x20070001230004e1 nodeName=0x20000001230004e1

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (217) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862398
   target (0) fcp portName=0x20070001230004f5 nodeName=0x20000001230004f5

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (217) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862398
   target (34960) fcp portName=0x20070001230004c1 nodeName=0x20000001230004c1

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (54648) fcp portName=0x20080001230004e1 nodeName=0x20000001230004e1

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (6) fcp portName=0x20080001230004f5 nodeName=0x20000001230004f5

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (7) fcp portName=0x2008000123000591 nodeName=0x2000000123000591

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (7) fcp portName=0x20080001230004c1 nodeName=0x20000001230004c1

lu S5678L_1FF_m1_vg.2, part-att 1, vdp-att 1  p-reserver IID 0xdb
   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (12336) fcp portName=0x20080001230004f5 nodeName=0x20000001230004f5

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (7) fcp portName=0x20080001230004c1 nodeName=0x20000001230004c1

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (7) fcp portName=0x20080001230004e1 nodeName=0x20000001230004e1

   key 4156 4353 0000 0000
   initiator (219) fcp portName=0x10000000c9862399
   target (7) fcp portName=0x2008000123000591 nodeName=0x2000000123000591

Here's the output I'm hoping to achieve:

$ someawkcommand myexample.txt
lu S1234L_149_m1_vg.6: 8
lu S5678L_1FF_m1_vg.2: 4

With my rudimentary awk skills I thought I might build on answers to similar questions in the forum by creating separate temporary files for each occurrence of 'lu' and counting the occurrences of 'key' with grep. I think I'm fighting Darwin's implementation of awk though, e.g.:

awk '/lu/{close("file"f);f++}{print $0 > "file"f}' myexample.txt
awk: syntax error at source line 1
 context is
	/lu/{close("file"f);f++}{print $0 > >>>  "file"f <<< }
awk: illegal statement at source line 1

I'm also not sure if this something better suited for building with sed, e.g. something including:

sed '/lu/,/lu/ p' myexample.txt

Thanks for any help or examples you can point me to..
# 2  
Old 11-09-2009
$ gawk -vRS="lu" 'NF{m=gsub("key","");print "lu",$1,m} ' file
lu S1234L_149_m1_vg.6, 8
lu S5678L_1FF_m1_vg.2, 4

# 3  
Old 11-10-2009
perfect solution.

 The gsub function returns the number of substitutions made.

# 4  
Old 11-10-2009
my $cnt=0;
open FH,"<yourfile.txt";
	if(/(lu\s+[^ ,]*)/){
			print " ",$cnt,"\n";
		print $1;		 
print " ",$cnt,"\n";

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