Trigraph sequences

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# 1  
Old 11-03-2009
Trigraph sequences


i have read trigraph sequence in
The C99 Draft (N869, 18 January, 1999)

will produce

what does that mean?
i tried that but i am getting the same output i.e

what actually these tri graph characters are?
any idea why ,when and where these are used?

Thanks for your valuable answers.
# 2  
Old 11-03-2009
Some characters in the C/C++ basic character set are not available on all keyboards. Trigraphs were "invented" to enable these characters to be entered into C/ C++ source code using a sequence of three ISO 646 characters. More information is available in this Wikipedia: Digraphs and trigraphs article.

With gcc you have to use the --trigraph option to enable trigraph functionality.
$ cat t.c
#include <stdio.h>


$ gcc -o t t.c
$ ./t

$ gcc --trigraphs -o t t.c
$ ./t

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