Hi guys...
As far as science goes......
......Gladly ET is not life threatening and not related to killer diseases like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's; it is disabling but in my case limited.
However it is a real PITA when attempting to do relatively delicate work and sometimes eating and AFAIK it is my only ailment.
I am still fit and rarely suffer any other illness even down to the common cold.
As I said before it is embarrassing rather than totally disabling for me because I have to ask assistance for very delicate work to be done.
Essential tremor - Wikipedia
And Neo, I am not disabled in any way just this detail that annoys me...
Anyhow I digress,
I still think Python has lost the plot for the newbie, BUT, I love its forced indenting and I love seeing you guys write stuff that is noise as a one liner but easily understandable when rewritten indented.
I love Yoda's AWK style, which most of you do but to me his subtleties are so easy to read.
I actually like assembly code, and mainly written for 6502, x86(16 and 32 bit, no experience with 64 bit), Z80, 68K and some risc MPUs.
But then I love "banging the metal" to see what I can create, sadly however MMUs have made HW register(s) control and DMA difficult to impossible.
Branching Off Topic I have 2 x Raspberry Pis and 2 x Arduinos and have done little or nothing with them as they bore me silly.
Yes, they are good learning "black boxes" for kids but I don't need to learn about electronics and I/O.
AudioScope.sh has the ability coded in to use one of the Arduino's for DC input measurements, BUT, it needs USB and my main aim was to use the Mic and Ear sockets only and get AC AND DC in that way. The electronics is childishly easy but the I/O method added a deliberate extra obstacle.
Perhaps a Raspberry Pi could have a Forum which could be not only Q and A but projects for all too...
Linux Format, my regular magazine has a spot dedicated to it and highly successful it is too.
I have hogged this too much...