One more "on my mind" question ('cause it's constantly on my mind): does modern technology style make you sad and wishing PCs were like they used to be in 90's? I mean we had awesome UIs like motif, win3.1, warp3/4, cde, etc... HDDs used to load with sound. Web used to be a text on a white background with some pictures and files to download + FTP servers... And now it's just facebook, web2.0 (or maybe 3.0, who knows...), tonns and tonns of javascript, +1s, 95% of web-sites made with CMSes, windows8 (*
shivers*), kde4, gnome3 (*
shivers*), google chrome os (*
pukes*). And nobody wants old style, when computers were normal. The sky was blue. Maybe I'm just getting old?
But I'm just 24. Can you believe that?