Good afternoon:
I need your help please:
Im new at web applications and i started taking a Ruby on Rails course and as a part of the installations i followed the instructions given on page:
I followed every step and id did not yield any errors so far
1 install RVM and its updates, rails and its updates, ruby and its updates, gems and etcetera
But by the time i started the web server it yields me a bunch of errors:
and when i see the rails vesrion: rails -v it prints out the following:
the third problem that i face is when the terminal is closed and i start a new sesion the commnads are not recognized and the configuration is lost:
I appreciate your help in advanced
As far as i know i installed node js according to instructions from url
i installed node js bit i did not set it to PATH, dont know it has something to do with those errors:
these are the steps:
If You Already Have RVM Installed
If you already have RVM installed, update it to the latest version and install Ruby:
and set it in your $PATH. .. I DID NOT DO IT, dont know it has something to do
If you don't install Node.js, you'll need to add this to the Gemfile for each Rails application you build:
i did not consider necessary Rails installation options so i skipped these steps, dont know its has sth to do
File name: File.txt
cat File.txt
I want to get the value for one which is not commented out.
Thanks, (3 Replies)
I am a php developer and I decided to learn ruby on rails.
I have a few question.
I have an ubuntu virtual machine with lamp.
It mean that it has alrweady php and when I access the ip of the machine from my browser it does load the index.php.
if I install ruby on rails will theere... (0 Replies)
Hi all,
Ive been trying to execute <frameset> tags within webrick servlets..
But when the server is started i get erreneous o/p ... The html code if executed individually runs flawlesswelly but inside the servlet it cribs...
Could anyone please help me out? (0 Replies)
Hi all,
I am a newbie to servlet programming using webrick...
Was wondering how to accept data from a form and do necessary
To start with i wrote a sample servlet that accepts a name and prints
"welcome <name>"
But I do not know how to take this value from the form into the... (0 Replies)
I just installed Apache 2.0.54 and when I try and start httpd I get
mohit@mohit-desktop:/sw/pkg/apache/bin$ ./httpd -k start
httpd: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
(13): make_sock: could not bind to address :80
no listening... (1 Reply)
I am trying to set up an OpenSolaris box to be an NFS server.
The OpenSolaris version is 2008.11.
The kernel (uname -a output) is: SunOS minime-28 5.11 snv_101b i86pc i386 i86pc
It is running ZFS but I know nothing about ZFS.
I have an entry in the /etc/dfs/dfstab file:
share -F... (1 Reply)
After i login i try to start X windows by using the "startx" command. All it does is return "startx: Command not found". Any help would be great.:), By the way I'm using freeBSD. (1 Reply)
I've been working on a project to replace one of the my group's primary NIS servers. It also runs mysql and apache, as it is the host for the our team's hardware tracking database and website. Its running apache 1.3, and for some odd reason, I can't get apache to start on system boot. The... (1 Reply)