Here is my second live video screencast (in my life, using Camtasia) with voice for the new usercp:
Overview of the Vue.js UserCP
Shout outs to Don Cragun, Corona688, Rudi, Wolf, Made in Germany, stomp, Ravinder, Creative Tim, PubNub and others in the video. Thanks.
If you are... (1 Reply)
UserCP Screeching Frog 0.7485
Created a new page for uploaded a profile picture (profile pictures are different than avatar pictures).
... (0 Replies)
Regarding the latest version of the UserCP prototype (version 0.63) I have made a lot of major changes, including
Added a "Posts Timeline" table for the recent posts, complimenting the non-table version earlier, which has been moved off the main menu (link at the bottom of the table).
Added a... (4 Replies)
Was working on Vue.js and stumbled upon this beautiful Vue project by Kadin Zhang
Periodicity is a dynamic periodic table built with Vue.js that animates and graphs data to aid the visualization of chemical concepts.
The code is available on GitHub (2 Replies)
I have been thinking about another shell scripting project using the Arduino Diecimila board.
I was going to make a kids level slow 8 channel Logic Analyser.
I thought about using the termiinal esc code graphics characters.
This is the test code using said terminal escape codes. I have only... (2 Replies)
I'm trying to setup a test environment to test upgrading to Solaris 8 or 9. Though when I go to install the demo version of Sun1 (forte/sun workshop as named before) it'll still ask for a 20 hexidecminal password for just a demo. huh?
Ok so I added a 20 character thing in there it passed... (2 Replies)