Well, after causing Don Cragun to lose some replies when working on a few feature, I decided to create a simple autosave / recovery program that will autosave locally on key (key stroke) changes (and mouse clicks as well).
Works well in Chrome
Works OK in Safari, but is not reliable... (8 Replies)
I have a trouble here. I posted couple of questions and got some reply but when i go ahead and do a reply/quick reply to the question asked it doesn't goes.
it simply keep on displaying the message "Posting quick reply please wait" and that wait never ends.
I am not able to do a reply :(... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Sharma331
3 Replies
3. Forum Support Area for Unregistered Users & Account Problems
I am unable to post reply to a thread. Whenever I will reply to any post I get the message every time :
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
Even though length of the message is more than required.
for example I tried to post
... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Unregistered
3 Replies
4. Forum Support Area for Unregistered Users & Account Problems
Dear Moderator
I am not able to post any new thread or post reply to mine old thread.
Kindly help as i am stuck on one problem and needed suggestion.
Jaydeep (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: jaydeep_sadaria
1 Replies
5. Forum Support Area for Unregistered Users & Account Problems
Hi, Admin, I have met a problem that I cannot post new thread and reply after register.
It reminds some information as shown in the below:
case 1:
To create new threads in this forum your post count must be 10 or greater.
You currently have 0 posts.
case 2:
To reply to threads in this forum... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Unregistered
1 Replies
6. Forum Support Area for Unregistered Users & Account Problems
Hi Admin
I got the error message as follows when I reply or create new thread.
To reply to threads in this forum your post count must be 10 or greater.
You currently have 9 posts.
Is there any problems with my account?
How I can reach the 10 replies? I cann't post any replies now.
... (1 Reply)
i have a html file with uploads a file and sends the username to a .cgi file using post method.
the part of code in the cgi file is as below. i am able to get the filename but not able to get the username thats getting posted to the file how to know the value of username. i am trying to store... (2 Replies)
javascript(n) HTML and Java Script Generation javascript(n)
javascript - Procedures to generate HTML and Java Script structures.
package require Tcl 8
package require javascript ?1.0.2?
::javascript::makeSelectorWidget id leftLabel leftValueList rightLabel rightValueList rightNameList ?length? ?minWidth?
::javascript::makeSubmitButton name value
::javascript::makeProtectedSubmitButton name value msg
::javascript::makeMasterButton master value slavePattern boolean
::javascript::makeParentCheckbox parentName childName
::javascript::makeChildCheckbox parentName childName
The ::javascript package provides commands that generate HTML and Java Script code. These commands typically return an HTML string as
their result. In particular, they do not output their result to stdout.
::javascript::makeSelectorWidget id leftLabel leftValueList rightLabel rightValueList rightNameList ?length? ?minWidth?
Construct HTML code to create a dual-multi-selection megawidget. This megawidget consists of two side-by-side multi-selection boxes
separated by a left arrow and a right arrow button. The right arrow button moves all items selected in the left box to the right
box. The left arrow button moves all items selected in the right box to the left box. The id argument is the suffix of all HTML
objects in this megawidget. The leftLabel argument is the text that appears above the left selection box. The leftValueList argu-
ment is the values of items in the left selection box. The leftNameList argument is the names to appear in the left selection box.
The rightLabel argument is the text that appears above the right selection box. The rightValueList argument is the values of items
in the right selection box. The rightNameList argument is the names to appear in the right selection box. The length argument
(optional) determines the number of elts to show before adding a vertical scrollbar; it defaults to 8. The minWidth argument
(optional) is the number of spaces to determine the minimum box width; it defaults to 32.
::javascript::makeSubmitButton name value
Create an HTML submit button that resets a hidden field for each registered multi-selection box. The name argument is the name of
the HTML button object to create. The value argument is the label of the HTML button object to create.
::javascript::makeProtectedSubmitButton name value msg
Create an HTML submit button that prompts the user with a continue/cancel shutdown warning before the form is submitted. The name
argument is the name of the HTML button object to create. The value argument is the label of the HTML button object to create. The
msg argument is the message to display when the button is pressed.
::javascript::makeMasterButton master value slavePattern boolean
Create an HTML button that sets its slave checkboxs to the boolean value. The master argument is the name of the child's parent
html checkbox object. The value argument is the value of the master. The slaves argument is the name of child html checkbox object
to create. The boolean argument is the java script boolean value that will be given to all the slaves; it must be "true" or
::javascript::makeParentCheckbox parentName childName
Create an HTML checkbox and tie its value to that of its child checkbox. If the parent is unchecked, the child is automatically
unchecked. The parentName argument is the name of parent html checkbox object to create. The childName argument is the name of the
parent's child html checkbox object.
::javascript::makeChildCheckbox parentName childName
Create an HTML checkbox and tie its value to that of its parent checkbox. If the child is checked, the parent is automatically
checked. The parentName argument is the name of the child's parent html checkbox object. The childName argument is the name of
child html checkbox object to create.
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category
javascript of the Tcllib SF Trackers [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883]. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you
may have for either package and/or documentation.
html, ncgi
checkbox, html, javascript, selectionbox, submitbutton
CGI programming
javascript 1.0.2 javascript(n)