10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Solaris
CDE workspace.
How to get rid of annoying popping up file manager window which appears every time after logging in.
For example.any suggestions, I would be appreciate. (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: wolfgang
3 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I need some help to reformat this table-by-row to matrix?
site1 A:o,p,q,r,s,t
site1 C:y,u
site1 T:v,w
site1 -:x,z
site2 A:p,r,t,v,w,z
site2 C:u,y
site2 G:q,s
site2 -:o,x
site3 A:o,q,s,t,u,z
site3 C:y
site3 T:v,w,x
site3 -:p,routfile:
SITE o p q r s t v u w x y... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: yifangt
7 Replies
3. UNIX and Linux Applications
i need to copy one table with data into another table,
right now am using
create table table1 as select * from table2
i want the constraints of table1 to be copied to table2 also , can anyone give me some solution to copy the constraints also, now am using oracle (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: senkerth
1 Replies
4. UNIX and Linux Applications
I have an application that collect data from 10 server every minutes and stored to mysql db,. there are about 10K record from each server on every minutes. that data will need to stored in 1 month.
Which ones is better, create single table for all servers and put field to identified data... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: before4
3 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am new to this shell scripting....
I have a file which contains list of users. This files get updated when new user comes into the system.
I want to create script which will give a table containing unique list of users. When I say unique, it means script should match table while parsing... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: dchavan1901
3 Replies
6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I'm working with putty on Windows 7 professional and I'd like to know if there's a way to gather specific lines from a pre-existing table and make a new table with that information.
More specifically, I'd like the program to look at a specific column, say column N, and see if any of the... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: Deedee393
5 Replies
7. UNIX and Linux Applications
hi there, I am trying to create a stored procedure that i can pass the table name to and it will create a table with that name. but for some reason it creates with what i have defined as the variable name . In the case of the example below it creates a table called 'tname'
for example
... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: rethink
6 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am having three oracle databases running in three different machine. their ip address is different. from one of the DB am able to access both the databases.(means am able to select values and insert values in to tables individually.)
I need to fetch some data from DB1 table(say DB1 ip is... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: aemunathan
2 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have requirement:
1) Check the record count in table (table in oracle)
2) If records exists generate the file for existing records and wait for some time then Go to sleep mode and
Again check the record count after 10 min.......... (Loop this process if record count >0).
3) Generate touch... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: kamineni
1 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have requirement:
1) Check the record count in table (table in oracle)
2) If records exists generate the file for existing records and wait for some time (Go to sleep mode) and
Again check the record count after 10 min.......... (Loop this process if record count >0).
3) Generate touch... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: kamineni
1 Replies
Text::Diff::Table(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Text::Diff::Table(3)
Text::Diff::Table - Text::Diff plugin to generate "table" format output
use Text::Diff;
diff @a, $b { STYLE => "Table" };
This is a plugin output formatter for Text::Diff that generates "table" style diffs:
| |../Test-Differences-0.2/MANIFEST | |../Test-Differences/MANIFEST |
| |Thu Dec 13 15:38:49 2001 | |Sat Dec 15 02:09:44 2001 |
| | * 1|Changes *
| 1|Differences.pm | 2|Differences.pm |
| 3|Makefile.PL | 5|Makefile.PL |
| | * 6|t/00escape.t *
| 4|t/00flatten.t | 7|t/00flatten.t |
| 5|t/01text_vs_data.t | 8|t/01text_vs_data.t |
| 6|t/10test.t | 9|t/10test.t |
This format also goes to some pains to highlight "invisible" characters on differing elements by selectively escaping whitespace. Each
element is split in to three segments (leading whitespace, body, trailing whitespace). If whitespace differs in a segement, that segment
is whitespace escaped.
Here is an example of the selective whitespace.
| |demo_ws_A.txt |demo_ws_B.txt |
| |Fri Dec 21 08:36:32 2001 |Fri Dec 21 08:36:50 2001 |
| 1|identical |identical |
* 2| spaced in | also spaced in *
* 3|embedded space |embedded tab *
| 4|identical |identical |
* 5| spaced in | tabbed in *
* 6|trailing spacesss
|trailing tabs
| 7|identical |identical |
* 8|lf line
|crlf line
* 9|embedded ws |embedded ws *
Here's why the lines do or do not have whitespace escaped:
lines 1, 4, 7 don't differ, no need.
lines 2, 3 differ in non-whitespace, no need.
lines 5, 6, 8, 9 all have subtle ws changes.
Whether or not line 3 should have that tab character escaped is a judgement call; so far I'm choosing not to.
Table formatting requires buffering the entire diff in memory in order to calculate column widths. This format should only be used for
smaller diffs.
Assumes tab stops every 8 characters, as $DIETY intended.
Assumes all character codes >= 127 need to be escaped as hex codes, ie that the user's terminal is ASCII, and not even "high bit ASCII",
capable. This can be made an option when the need arises.
Assumes that control codes (character codes 0..31) that don't have slash-letter escapes ("
", "
", etc) in Perl are best presented as hex
escapes ("x01") instead of octal ("