How does pipe work?

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# 1  
Old 12-16-2008
Question How does pipe work?

I am confused over piping. Smilie

A | B

Will A and B run at the same time? or must A finish running before B starts to run?

Suppose I want to do the following:

sqlplus ... | split -1000 - filename_

sqlplus will return 1million rows, I want write the output into files of 1000 records each.

Does sqlplus finish running before split starts to run?
I am concern with the huge amount of data in the pipe before split can even run...
# 2  
Old 12-16-2008
Here A must finish before B starts. Because The output of A is the input for B.
# 3  
Old 12-16-2008
Originally Posted by siba.s.nayak
Here A must finish before B starts. Because The output of A is the input for B.
Thank you.
# 4  
Old 12-16-2008
Originally Posted by siba.s.nayak
Here A must finish before B starts. Because The output of A is the input for B.
That is not correct. It is undefined whether A or B starts first. They might start at the exactly the same time if there are multiple cpu's. A pipe can hold an undefined but finite amount of data.

If B tries to read from the pipe, but no data is available, B will wait until the data arrives. If B was reading from a disk, B might have the same problem and need to wait until a disk read finishes. A closer analogy would be reading from a keyboard. There, B would need to wait for a user to type. But in all of these cases, B has started a "read" operation and must wait until it finishes.

If A tries to write to the pipe, and the pipe is full, A must wait for some room in the pipe to become free. A could have the same problem if A was writing to a terminal. A terminal has flow control and can moderate the pace of data. In any event, to A, it has started a "write" operation and will wait until the write operation finishes.

A and B are behaving as co-processes, although not all co-processes will be communicating with a pipe. Neither is in full control of the other.

In a case, like:
A | sort
The sort command cannot output anything until it reads all of the data. So the sort command will do that, just as it would if it was reading from a file. Many other programs strive to read and write data if they can. This allows them to be used in long pipelines with data continuously flowing though the entire pipeline.
This User Gave Thanks to Perderabo For This Post:
# 5  
Old 12-16-2008
Originally Posted by Perderabo
That is not correct. It is undefined whether A or B starts first. They might start at the exactly the same time if there are multiple cpu's. A pipe can hold an undefined but finite amount of data.

If B tries to read from the pipe, but no data is available, B will wait until the data arrives. If B was reading from a disk, B might have the same problem and need to wait until a disk read finishes. A closer analogy would be reading from a keyboard. There, B would need to wait for a user to type. But in all of these cases, B has started a "read" operation and must wait until it finishes.

If A tries to write to the pipe, and the pipe is full, A must wait for some room in the pipe to become free. A could have the same problem if A was writing to a terminal. A terminal has flow control and can moderate the pace of data. In any event, to A, it has started a "write" operation and will wait until the write operation finishes.

A and B are behaving as co-processes, although not all co-processes while be communicating with a pipe. Neither is in full control of the other.

In a case, like:
A | sort
The sort command cannot output anything until it reads all of the data. So the sort command will do that, just as it would if it was reading from a file. Many other programs strive to read and write data if they can. This allows them to be used in long pipelines with data continuously flowing though the entire pipeline.
Thanks a lot. Though I knew these things, I could not map the same things with the question. This is purely lack of understanding on IPC. Thanks a lot again for refreshing up me.
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