FTPing backup files to another server

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# 1  
Old 10-04-2002
FTPing backup files to another server

I am running a hot backup of my database every night within our cronjob. Recently I got burned because the tape which holds my backups became corrupt. I am setting up another Sun box to hold my backups as well as writing them to tape. I know dumb error on my part. My question is what will I have to do to automate the ftp action to move the backup file to the backup server every night with some sort of script or command? I would like to have this done by the machine. I am not a Unix guru and would like some help if anyone has any ideas on this. Thanks for the input!
# 2  
Old 10-04-2002
There's some samples out there that can help you if you do a search on 'automate ftp', etc.

This is relatively easy to set up so you shouldn't have any problems. If you have some problems after you tried out some scripts then let us know.

# 3  
Old 10-04-2002
I have found a script and tried it to no avail. I get the following error.

Warning: tcgetattr failed in ssh_rl_set_tty_modes: Inappropriate ioctl for device

I got the following script from this site and used it. I got it to ask for my password but that isn't what I'm aiming for. I need this thing to run at night on it's own. And it asked me for my root password not the password for the user I specified in the script. I know what all the lines are for except the first and the 5th (lcd....). Can someone explain what those are doing for me. I think I'm on the right track, just need some more directions.

sftp IP ADDRESS<<end
user uname pword
cd /security1
put filename
# 4  
Old 10-04-2002
If you use tar you can backup remotely:

tar -czvf machine_name:/home/user/backup.tar.gz /dir2/backup

# 5  
Old 10-04-2002
Originally posted by WIntellect
tar -czvf machine_name:/home/user/backup.tar.gz /dir2/backup
Is this the equivilent of the Win32 SMB \\servername\sharename method of accesing a sub-dir or file without mapping a drive?

I reckon tonight Iwill have to see if I can get from my OpenBSD to my FreeBSD machine this way. I use the \\servername all the time at work and would like to be able to do similiar under Unix.
# 6  
Old 10-04-2002
I got that tip from man tar - however, whenever I try to use it I get an error about being unable to access the archive - I presume I need to setup some form of allowance on my FreeBSD box?

Any ideas which file?
# 7  
Old 10-08-2002
tar across network

would tar -czvf machine_name:/home/user/backup.tar.gz /dir2/backup work across network for linux/unix boxes, to the tape drives?

tar -czvf machine_name:/dev/rmt/st0/backup.tar.gz /myhomedir/

would this work?
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