Reading a file one line at a time

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# 1  
Old 07-24-2002
Data Reading a file one line at a time

I have a file that I want to read each record, do some stuff and write a new file.
I get as far as:

file=`cat data.txt`
for data in "$file"
echo "Record is: $data"

The output of this is not what I was expecting:

Record is: This is record one
This is record two
This is record three
and so on....

I want to see:
Record is: This is record one
Record is: This is record two
Record is: This is record three

I've been away from coding for awhile and am alittle rusty. I think I must be missing a newline somewhere.....


Sincerely braindead!
# 2  
Old 07-24-2002
# 3  
Old 07-24-2002
Just change your script to this:

for data in `cat data.txt`
echo "Record is: $data"

What you were doing was catting the whole file to the variable 'file'.... then the for loop only had one condition (there's only one $file), if you cat the file as part of the for loop criteria as I've done above you'll get your line by line behaviour as requested.
# 4  
Old 07-25-2002
You can do like this:

cat data.txt | while read F
echo "Record Is : "$F;

Inside while your F is your string.
# 5  
Old 07-25-2002
Thanks to all.....

I now have a couple different ways of going about it.
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