cksum all executables on drive

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# 1  
Old 07-17-2002
cksum all executables on drive

I know I can run the cksum command for multiple files in a directory and send the results to a new file.

# cd /usr
# cksum *_ex* > /tmp/cksumusr.txt

But I can't figure out how to run this command on multiple files in all directories on drive. Is it possible to do this, without having to manually type these commands for every directory on my drive, and how would I go about it.

If you could help me I would appreciate it.
# 2  
Old 07-17-2002
cksum `find /usr -name "*_ex*" -print` > /tmp/cksumusr.txt

The `find ...etc...` bit is executed first & supplies the file names for cksum to work on. The output is then redirected to /tmp/cksumusr.txt
# 3  
Old 07-17-2002
If you wanted to do all filesystems - also added options to the find command to only check regular files which are executable.
(Note: the df -kl in Solaris shows only local filesystems - you may have to change this on your OS )

localfs=`df -kl |grep dsk | awk '{print $6}'`
cat /dev/null > /tmp/sum.junk
for i in $localfs; do
cksum `find $i -name "*_ex*" -type f -perm -o+x -print` >> /tmp/sum.junk
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