a program which linux things is a directory??

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# 1  
Old 06-16-2002
a program which linux things is a directory??

Well I finally got around to installing linux [openlinux], the install went fine. I have just tried on to install some software.It gunziped and untared fine. It even complied fine[at this stage i was most proudSmilie]. However when I try to run the program. I get the message "bash:[programname] is a directory". I have tried changing the permission on the file and also tired running the program as su, nothing seemes to help.
Do i need to change the $PATH variable?
Has anyone got any idear what is causing this strange behaviour?
# 2  
Old 06-16-2002
that's because after you untar the file a directory is created. You have to go into that directory not run it. read the installation notes, it helps a lot.
# 3  
Old 06-17-2002
you must do de change directory command, cd yourdirecory!
# 4  
Old 06-17-2002
<sarcasm> inspired answers </sarcasm>

rite first: mr Luftwaffe
ii] I am well aware that untar prduces a directory, and yes i went to the directory,
Rite ur turn mr adme
i] i tried that and it said "bash:[programname] is not a directory"
and i'm assuming de is meant to mean the

Any other ideas?
# 5  
Old 06-17-2002
Please lose the sarcasm. These people are trying to help you; and adme, whose location is Switzerland, may be struggling with a second or third language to do it.

Even though you have cd'ed into a directory, bash won't look there unless . is on your path. I'll bet that your home directory is on your path, so bask looks there and sees the directory. You can verify this by typing:
type <program-name>
to see which file bash is trying to run. I would just type:
to run a program in the current directory. Adding . to your path is not wise.
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