how to kill process while keeping the submitted job running

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# 1  
Old 05-31-2002
Question how to kill process while keeping the submitted job running


I have a process which was schedule to run from 8am - 6pm daily. The scripts will search & run the commands that i was predefined in the database. Ususally, there were about 6-7 jobs for each submission and each job takes about 1-2 hrs and running one by one. And, I have a cron job which will control the process's start and end time. However, when it is time to stop the process, my process will be killed instantly and so does the running jobs. And when the process starts again the next day, the job will run again.

I would like to know if there is any way that I can at least keep my running job processing until it finished even my process has been killed? Thank you very much!
# 2  
Old 05-31-2002
Launch your job with : & at the end of the line.
For example :

/opt/job1 &
# 3  
Old 06-01-2002
Re: how to kill process while keeping the submitted job running


What i interpret from your situation is that you have process A and processess B, C, D running as a result of process A i.e. process A initiates B, C, D. Now when process A is killed you want the processes B, C, D still running. Correct me if i have wrongly interpreted.

Well the solution to this is wherever you have the entry point to the processes B,C,D just start them with the word 'nohup' which means "no hang up". so that B, C, D, the children of A keep running to completion even if the process A dies.

I hope i have clarified ur problem

# 4  
Old 06-02-2002
hi, linuxpenguin

yup, you are right, I've got what i expected using the 'nohup' in front the command, thank you very much for your help! Smilie
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