chmod not working as desired

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# 1  
Old 02-21-2008
chmod not working as desired

my file had permission


I did chmod +rwx, expecting everything to now be rwx, but it is


why doesn't o have x permission?

# 2  
Old 02-21-2008
umask -S

from the man page for chmod
If the current value of umask is 020 (umask -S displays
u=rwx,g=rx,o=rwx; do not change write permission for group) and the
current permissions for file mytest are 444 (a=r), displayed by ls -l
as -r--r--r--, then the command

chmod +w mytest

sets the permissions to 646 (uo=rw,g=r), displayed by ls -l as
# 3  
Old 02-21-2008
oh yes, I see that now.

thank you for your help and apologies that I did not see this in the man myself.
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