Using wget to download a file

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# 1  
Old 02-14-2008
Using wget to download a file

Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to use wget recursively to download a file.

Only html files are being downloaded, instead of the target file.

I'm trying this for the first time, here's what I've tried:

wget -r -O jdk.bin

The link for this download file is here:

They don't support FTP , so that option is not possible.

Would anyone know if there's any other command that allows us to download a file over http , on the command line? Or if it is possible to make the wget work.

Any help is appreciate.
# 2  
Old 02-15-2008
Try using a console browser.
# 3  
Old 02-17-2008
You'll need to escape the url as it contains ? and & characters, both of which the shell will try and interpret.

Put the url in single quotes and you should get a bit closer.
# 4  
Old 02-18-2008
Given that the request includes a session id I doubt that you'll get much mileage from trying to use wget.
# 5  
Old 02-20-2008
Thank you for your replies.

I tried with a console browser (lynx), wget but I couldn't download the file.

With the console browser I couldn't get the file, because I don;t think there's a way to click on buttons (if they are not links).

But I finally downloaded it after scratching my head for a little while.

The linux is installed on a virtual pc on windows, so I installed proftpd on linux, then I downloaded the software through http with a browser and then I used winSCP to transfer the file from the windows to the linux ftp.
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