Gnome is gone crazzy:::>>>>>>>

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# 1  
Old 03-10-2002
Java Gnome is gone crazzy:::>>>>>>>

I don't know how but my gnome desktop icons or all gone and i dont know how to make them apear on desktop can some one tell me what can i do?
(linux mandrake 8)
# 2  
Old 03-10-2002
Tell exactly how it gones. Does the problem appear as soon as the Installation or did you run any aplications? Shell konsole? Etc..Your question seems to short and we cant udnerstand your situation well. Tell us what process did you do.
# 3  
Old 03-11-2002

The first time i entered on mandrake it was on gnome there were no problem.I don't exactely remamber what i run but i thing nothing important(the only think that could heve been dangerous in some ways was natilius under root)
then i changet in kde (is i'm very new to unix i change it very often just for fun or for exploring) and when i turned back on gnome there were no more destop icons.Shit i thought the second time 'cose it was the second time the first time was a week ago and i reinstalled it all.Don't tell me i have to reinstall again.
# 4  
Old 03-12-2002
In the Gnome that shipped with Redhat (The dist. that Mandrake is based upon) had an option when you right-clicked on a blank spot on the desktop to "Restore Desktop Icons". It may only be for the default-shipped ones, and it may not exist any more - I can't check, because I don't use Gnome any more.
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