color highlighting with 'more','grep' and 'vi'

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Old 01-15-2008
color highlighting with 'more','grep' and 'vi'

Hi all,

i would to find out how can i turn on color hightlighting with the 'more' command.

When i view a big file, i tend to use the 'more' command and i would search for a interested string with the '/' command. Something the search returns more than 1 line found on the screen, how can i enable hightlighting for easier viewing?

i tried to use ':set hlsearch' in vi, hoping that the setting will be persistent in 'more' but it did not seem to work. Would appreciate any suggestion.
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DXmColorMixGetNewColor(3X)												DXmColorMixGetNewColor(3X)

DXmColorMixGetNewColor - Retrieves (returns) the color mixing widget's current new color red, green, and blue values. SYNOPSIS
void DXmColorMixGetNewColor( DXmColorMixWidget cmw, unsigned short *red, unsigned short *green, unsigned short *blue ); PARAMETERS
The widget identifier of the color mixing widget. A pointer to the returned new color red value. A pointer to the returned new color green value. A pointer to the returned new color blue value. A complete list of all the X color values available to you is located on your system. To find it, type the following command: % find / -name '*rgb*' -print DESCRIPTION
DXmColorMixGetNewColor allows the calling application or routine to quickly obtain the current color value from the color mixing widget. Note that if your application uses the default color mixing subwidget, the application will perform this operation faster if you call this routine instead of the Intrinsic routine XtGetValues. SEE ALSO
DXmColorMixSetNewColor(3X), DXmCreateColorMix(3X), DXmCreateColorMixDialog(3X) DXmColorMixGetNewColor(3X)