mailx every file in directory

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# 1  
Old 01-11-2008
mailx every file in directory

Hi all,

I know how to use the uuencode/mailx commands to mail a single file within a directory, e.g.

uuencode file.dat file.dat | mailx

but now, i need to be able to mail every file within the directory with one command, any ideas?

# 2  
Old 01-13-2008
Originally Posted by ocelot
Hi all,

I know how to use the uuencode/mailx commands to mail a single file within a directory, e.g.

uuencode file.dat file.dat | mailx

but now, i need to be able to mail every file within the directory with one command, any ideas?

for FILE in `ls`
uuencode ${FILE} ${FILE}
} | mailx
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