extracting few characters from a file

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# 1  
Old 01-02-2008
extracting few characters from a file

i want to extract few characters from a file based on a special character like ||
how to do it
suggestions please
# 2  
Old 01-02-2008
Please provide an example of your file and what you want to extract. Perhaps then we can help you.
# 3  
Old 01-03-2008
I have a line called 1001||PO Box 123||Chicago||IL||60699
In this line I want to extract the comma separated values like
PO Box 123

How to do the same
# 4  
Old 01-03-2008
# for i in `echo "1001||PO Box 123||Chicago||IL||60699" | tr  "|" " "`
> do
>     echo $i
> done

# 5  
Old 01-03-2008
your sample line is not comma separated. the separator in it is two pipes. Use this Perl script:
# extract.pl
while (<>) {
    print join ("\n", split (/\|\|/, )), "\n";

run this script as:
perl extract.pl double_piped_file

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