ssh thru firewall

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# 1  
Old 02-22-2002
ssh thru firewall


a question about ssh.

im setting up a script to scp files to a remote machine outside our firewall, the script needs to be password free using keys.

The firewall allows ssh trafic outside the company network but does not let ssh back into the network. this seems to be affecting the keys for login, when the remote server asks for authentication. Is this proper behavior of ssh and if so is there a work around? it works perfectly if i type my passsword.

help apreciated
# 2  
Old 02-22-2002
As I recall, SSH servers use port 22. What other ports do SSH servers use? I think 115 is used for sftp.
# 3  
Old 02-22-2002
You can reconfigure the SSHd on your server (if you are root) to use whatever the firewall will allow to pass.

Where I work, they disabled port 22 but still allow 4899, so now my SSHd on the home machine is using 4899.

It's a pain, but it works.
# 4  
Old 02-22-2002

yeah i have a server running at home port 119 cos its always open from work,,,

my question is about a remote server on port 22. i can ssh out of the network, but port 22 is blocked incomming,,, it seems to mess up login via the keys..

the remote machine is actualy an NT machine running some sort of linux shell,,,, i dont how,,
but a uname -a says MS NT 5 i686
my client is solaris running openssh
dont know if that makes a difference
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