assigning values to a variable

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# 1  
Old 12-14-2007
assigning values to a variable

i try to get the year and month values using the below shell script
when i enter the script like this

dd=`DATE +%Y%M`
echo $dd

it is showing the error as shown below

abc.ksh: DATE: not found

any suggestions please
# 2  
Old 12-14-2007
Originally Posted by trichyselva
i try to get the year and month values using the below shell script
when i enter the script like this

dd=`DATE +%Y%M`
echo $dd

it is showing the error as shown below

abc.ksh: DATE: not found

any suggestions please
It should be date and not DATE. Note the case difference.
# 3  
Old 12-14-2007
thanks it worked

but i am facing another problem

echo $ddd

this doesnot produce desired result it is telling that

abc.ksh: abc_uik_20070925_033743.Z: not found

can any one help
# 4  
Old 12-14-2007
Originally Posted by trichyselva

echo $ddd

this doesnot produce desired result it is telling that

abc.ksh: abc_uik_20070925_033743.Z: not found

can any one help
What are you trying to do ?

Remember that ` and ' are not the same. If you wrap a string within `, then the shell will try to execute whatever the string says. What you need is to wrap the string within '.
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