Comparison of 2 files in UNIX

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# 29  
Old 11-14-2007
Originally Posted by matrixmadhan
So, what is the difference that you were trying to express between the software engineers and the real software engineers ?
As I believe this would indeed add content to this thread i am going to answer here instead of writing a PN to you:

real software engineers write programs

"other" / "not real" software engineers use graphical tools to create input for other graphical tools, which have symbolical output, which is fed to pseudo-generators, which create pseudocode for other generators, which generate code for other generators, which finally generate program code, which is fed to a compiler and then run. Don't ask, why a "Hello-World"-program takes 20 minutes to load and needs a minimum of 16GB RAM to run - RAM is cheap anyways, right? And the process is very object-oriented, streamlined, hyper-ultra-anything, turbo-accelerated, and so on and so on.

Of course they (the second type of "software engineers") do not need to analyze anything - they just shuffle the mouse around, click on the most colourful icon and - done (or so). That the users of this b*sh*t are often using some Excel worksheet to keep track of the list the program was written to provide in first place - just a minor issue. It may not fulfill its purpose, but it definitely is easy to use, easy to adapt (it can easily be brought to not do other things equally slow), etc., etc., blather, blather, ...

I hope i have made my point clear. I may sound bitter, but i have administered too many SAP-systems to find these things still funny.

# 30  
Old 11-14-2007
Originally Posted by bakunin
As I believe this would indeed add content to this thread i am going to answer here instead of writing a PN to you:

real software engineers write programs
See for a possible continuation of the software engineers topic ... cheers, drl
# 31  
Old 11-19-2007
thnx a lottt matrixmardhan ..but ur soln was not as per our req ..though it worked separately
# 32  
Old 11-19-2007
Originally Posted by Dana Evans
thnx a lottt matrixmardhan ..but ur soln was not as per our req ..though it worked separately
Sorry I don't understand your statement. Does that mean the solution provided was not generic and didn't work on all the sample files ?

If so, could you please post some sample file for which it didn't work ! ?
# 33  
Old 11-21-2007

use gvimdiff shows all the files as tiles with difference in color code

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