Calling a script from another location

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# 1  
Old 10-17-2007
Calling a script from another location

Hi, I am a newbie in scripting and would appreciate your help...
I have a shell script under a filesystem /softtoys/bunny/

script is called

When I run the script from under the above mentioned filesystem, the script works fine.

I want the script to be portable enough that I can call it from the home directory, which is /privatedir/trus

I read some tips in relative path etc. but don't understand all this too much. I am still an intern and learning. Please guide...
# 2  
Old 10-17-2007
1. put directory containing script on path.

2. use fully qualified path to script when calling.

3. put link in a directory on the path to that script.
# 3  
Old 10-17-2007
Can you pls. put that giving an example. I am a slow learner...
# 4  
Old 10-17-2007
Do you know about environment variables?

try this "echo $PATH"

that is a list of directories separated by a colon which are searched when looking for a program to run.
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