awk field not recognized in backquotes

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# 1  
Old 10-07-2007
Java awk field not recognized in backquotes


I am writing a script to use awk to generate a set of cp commands from an input file abc.

file abc:

desired output:
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

$ cat abc | awk '{ print "cp -pr '`basename $1`' " $1 }'

I tried to use awk with basename command, but it seems that the field $1 in backquotes is not recognized by awk. How to fix it?

Many thanks,
# 2  
Old 10-07-2007
A few solutions

$ awk '{s=$0;gsub( /^.*\//, "" );printf("cp -pr %s %s\n", $0, s )}' abc
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

$ sed 's!^\(.*\)/\(.*\)!cp -pr \2 \1/\2!' abc 
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

$ while read file; do echo "cp -pr ${file##*/} ${file}"; done < abc 
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

# 3  
Old 10-07-2007
Hi zazzybob,

Thanks for you help.

# 4  
Old 10-07-2007
Originally Posted by voa2mp3
file abc:

desired output:
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf
Placing the input on fille "data1", and changing your script slightly to:
#!/usr/bin/env sh

# @(#) a1       Demonstrate awk feature "command | getline".

set -o nounset

## Use local command version for the commands in this demonstration.

echo "(Versions of codes used in this script -- local code \"version\")"
version bash awk


awk '
        { command = "basename " $1
        command | getline file
        print "cp -pr " file " " $1 }
' data1

exit 0

% ./a1

(Versions of codes used in this script -- local code "version")
GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (i386-pc-linux-gnu)
GNU Awk 3.1.4

cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

cheers, drl
# 5  
Old 10-07-2007
Some other ways Smilie

% set -- $(<file)                                                   
% paste -d" " <(printf "cp -pr %s\n" "${@##*/}") <(printf "%s\n" "$@")
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

and with zsh:

zsh 4.3.4% <file while IFS= read;do print -r "cp -pr $REPLY:t $REPLY";done 
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

or awk:

zsh 4.3.4% awk '$0="cp -pr "$NF" "$0' FS="/" file
cp -pr a.dbf /data/a.dbf
cp -pr b.dbf /data/june/b.dbf

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