Nested Echo Command Help

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# 1  
Old 09-16-2007
Nested Echo Command Help

I am doing below :



$echo $HOST_NAME1 $count
webisstg70 1


$HOST_NAME=`echo '$HOST_NAME'${count}`

$echo $HOST_NAME

$NODE_NAME=`echo $`echo ${HOST_NAME}``

I get below error message

ksh: HOST_NAME1: not found

Could anyone please help me in identifying reason for error message. I am trying to first echo value of $HOST_NAME which itself is a variable (HOST_NAME1) so I am again echoing value of HOST_NAME1 variable to NODE_NAME variable.
# 2  
Old 09-16-2007
Originally Posted by findprakash
$NODE_NAME=`echo $`echo ${HOST_NAME}``
You may find 'eval' more useful.
# 3  
Old 09-22-2007
Nested Echo Command Help

Thanks it works
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