DLT TAPE DRIVE/ Script problem /Ignite.

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# 1  
Old 12-27-2001
DLT TAPE DRIVE/ Script problem /Ignite.

Thanks for checking in.

We have this script that does a backup called Ignite on HP-UX
in this script it does everything it supposed to do accept one thing

cd /
echo " Please ensure there is a DLT tape in Slot 6 of the Tape Backup Unit"
echo " Press ENTER to continue if you are sure the tape is there."
read ch
echo " Ignite Started On : `date` " >>/home/utils/logs/ignite.times
echo " Ignite Started On : `date` " >/home/utils/ignitemail
/usr/bin/mailx 0836559274@sms.co.za < /home/utils/ignitemail
/usr/bin/mailx helpdesk@rtt.co.za < /home/utils/ignitemail
mc -sS6 -dD1
sleep 90
mt -f /dev/rmt/0m rew
#/opt/ignite/bin/make_recovery -I -v -d /dev/rmt/0m |tee /home/utils/logs/ignite
_make.log.`date +%y%m%d` 2>/home/utils/logs/ignite_make.errlog
/opt/ignite/bin/make_tape_recovery -I -A -v -a /dev/rmt/0mn |tee /home/utils/log
s/ignite_make.log.`date +%y%m%d` 2>/home/utils/logs/ignite_make.errlog
sleep 600
mc -sD1 -dS6
echo " Ignite Ended On : `date` " >>/home/utils/logs/ignite.times
echo " Ignite Ended On : `date` " >/home/utils/ignitemail
/usr/bin/mailx 0836559274@sms.co.za < /home/utils/ignitemail
/usr/bin/mailx helpdesk@rtt.co.za < /home/utils/ignitemail
echo " Please read screen messages and report any errors to the Administrator "
echo " for action. "
echo " Please ensure that this tape is clearly marked with the date and sent "
echo " seperately to Metrofile for recall."
rm ignitemail
End of script

I'm having a problem with the second
mc media changer manipulation utility
after the sleep 600
and it kicks out an error no sense 0X0
and it does not unload the tape.
i've tried increasing the sleep to 10 min so that i can wait for it to rewind but it still doesn't seem to work

Assistance in this is greatly appreciated.

# 2  
Old 12-27-2001
I have never used mc, but I do have a guess: try putting "mt -f /dev/rmt/0m offl" and "sleep 90" just before the second mc.
# 3  
Old 12-28-2001

Thank you for that one.

I forgot about mt but i don't want the tape drive to go offline.

But i did manage to find this

mt -f /dev/rmt/0m rew


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