PERL-CGI learning

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# 1  
Old 12-27-2013
PERL-CGI learning

Hello All,

I am actually learning PERL and more interested to learn CGI script too. Can any suggest a forum or weblink which is more helpful for a dummy CGI developer.


Last edited by posix; 12-27-2013 at 11:03 AM.. Reason: Message body was not visible
# 2  
Old 12-27-2013
I am joining you too Smilie I have a bit of Perl programming experience. Guys here will really help out Smilie Smilie
# 3  
Old 01-03-2014
Still looking for a better portal
# 4  
Old 01-03-2014
I am not sure, but sense a slight misunderstanding here: "CGI" is a sort of (standardized) API to a web server. It has nothing to do with any programming language as such. In fact i wrote a lot of CGI-scripts in KornShell, which is not widely advertised as a tool for doing this.

When a CGI-script is triggered, the web server passes control over to it, it executes, then the web server resumes control again. There is an interface for doing so, but this can be invoked from absolutely every language, it is in no way limited to PERL.

I am sure you can ask questions regarding building CGI-scripts with PERL in the Scripting forum and you will get reasonable answers. If you still insist in finding another forum you might consider asking Google for directions. For the basic things i did with CGI (i am not a web developer, just a systems administrator with some basic scripting skills) i never needed any forum, the man pages were sufficient.

I hope this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 5  
Old 01-03-2014
Hi, as bakunin points out above CGI programming is language agnostic and I have also used everything from Bash to C to define CGI responses, however Perl is particualrly suited to the task and the good folks over at Perl Monks provide a useful list of tutorials on how to use Perl for CGI (including Ovid's excellent guide to not shooting yourself in the foot Smilie )

However once youve grasped that CGI is essentially a remapping of STDIN and STDOUT and the basics of Perl (or your chosen language) there have been a number of improvements in Web Development made over the last 15 years and plain CGI scripting is probably not the most efficeint way to go learning a module/Framework like Dancer or Catalyst makes for maintainable code.
# 6  
Old 01-03-2014
@skrynesaver thanks for the useful links and information
# 7  
Old 01-04-2014
Learning Perl, just go to
perldoc perl

also for cgi
perldoc CGI

the Perl docs are all you need.
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