Operator Usage!

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Operator Usage!
# 1  
Old 11-19-2013
Operator Usage!


Can any one known the Usage of Below operator


Please give with an example !
# 2  
Old 11-19-2013
Usage in what language?

Refer: Assignment Statement
# 3  
Old 11-19-2013
In Bash Script
# 4  
Old 11-19-2013
In bash, refer: Shell Parameter Expansion

Try running both the codes and see the difference:
echo "${VAR:=abc}"

echo "${VAR:=abc}"

# 5  
Old 11-19-2013
SQUINT="${SQUINT:=nice /usr/local/bin/squint.pl}"

can any one explain the above line, how will i assign and usage of nice word

and how it will work
# 6  
Old 11-19-2013
"${SQUINT:=nice /usr/local/bin/squint.pl}" means 'if SQUINT is blank, give the value nice /usr/local/bin/squint.pl. If SQUINT is not blank, give the value it already has."

And then it assigns it to itself, setting itself to nice /usr/local/bin/squint.pl if it was blank.
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