How to get column names?

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# 1  
Old 11-08-2013
How to get column names?

Hi Everybody,

if i give below ps -ef cmnd with user id as cly to search i'll get the output as below
dev52:home/k9087cly->ps -ef |grep cly
s0998cly  50228 472666   1 23:10:52  pts/7  0:00 ps -ef
s0998cly 141746 237722   0 22:57:52  pts/6  0:00 ssh isp1.6705
s0998cly 161596 186422   2                  0:00 <defunct>
s0998cly 186422 200216   0 23:08:01  pts/1  0:00 /usr/bin/more -sv
s0998cly 196924 487282   0 23:09:41      -  0:00 sshd: s0998cly@pts/7
s0998cly 200216 470272   0 23:08:01  pts/1  0:00 man grep

in above code i need what is the first column name,second and so on..
Please sugest me the solution.
Thank you

Last edited by Scott; 11-08-2013 at 12:56 AM.. Reason: Added code tags
# 2  
Old 11-08-2013
To fetch the first column:
ps -ef | grep cly | awk '{print $1}'

This User Gave Thanks to balajesuri For This Post:
# 3  
Old 11-08-2013
Your request is ambiguous. If you include the following line of code in your shell script and you pass the part of the ID you want to match as the 1st argument to that script, the following prints the ps header line and lines with the 1st argument in the 1st field:
ps -ef | awk -v id="$1" 'NR==1 || $1 ~ id'

If the argument to the script should be an exact name instead of a partial match, use:
ps -ef | awk -v id="$1" 'NR==1 || $1 == id'

If neither balajesuri nor I guessed at what you want, please show us a sample of the output you want instead of making us guess.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 4  
Old 11-08-2013
If you want the column names as headers, grep for sth. that will certainly be in the header, like UID:ps -ef |grep -E "UID|cly"
If that does not satisfy your needs, Don Cragun posted possible solutions.
This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
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