Change argument in a for loop

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# 1  
Old 11-01-2013
Question Change argument in a for loop

In a "for i in *FD.CPY do" loop, I need to change .CPY to .layout so the executed command would be
reclay blahFD.CPY >blahFD.layout

What do I need to do to modify a copy of i to use after the > symbol?

# 2  
Old 11-01-2013
reclay $i > ${i%CPY}layout

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 11-01-2013
reclay "$i" > "${i%.CPY}.layout"

It looks like bartus11 and I had similar thoughts and posted them at about the same time.

As long as none of the filenames matched by *.CPY contain any whitespace characters, both should do the same thing. If any of your filenames might contain spaces, tabs, or newlines, the quotes will make a huge difference. For the patterns CPY and .CPY, ${i%%pattern} and ${i%pattern} produce identical results.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 11-01-2013 at 04:06 PM.. Reason: Add comparison of proposals.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 4  
Old 11-04-2013
I was not able to get that substitution to fly but found a way around it.

My question is that in its present form the script only processes the first file it finds in the parameter. If I give scriptname *FD.CPY , the script only processes the first file matching that description. If I put the above expression in the script instead of $1, it does it on everything (it's supposed to). How can I change it to work on (a) specified file(s) in the parameter?


for i in $1
suby="`echo $i |sed 's/CPY/CPy/'`"
subz="`echo $i |sed 's/CPY/CPz/'`"
sublay="`echo $i |sed 's/CPY/layout/'`"
sed "s/*>.*/ /" $i > $suby
reclay $suby > $subz
sed "s/CPy/CPY/" $subz > $sublay
rm $suby $subz

# 5  
Old 11-04-2013
for i in $1

for i in "$@"

This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 6  
Old 11-04-2013
Thanks, Don. It performed as advertised.
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