grep for certain occurence

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# 1  
Old 09-14-2001
Question grep for certain occurence

I am using grep to pull out info from a file.
The line I am searching for begins:
START TIME - Tue Sep 11 16:40:00.
There are mutiple lines of START TIME. I need the FIRST occurence ONLY.

My grep is as follows:

start="$( grep 'START TIME' filename | cut -c15-33)"

If I echo or cat $start, it of course has multiple rows. I want to only show the very first occurence.

I also need to search the same file for END TIME. In this case, I will need the LAST occurence.
I know I can count the number of records coming out of the grep which I can then use to get the LAST record.

What would be the most efficient approach. I'm guessing awk?

You're input would be appreciated!
# 2  
Old 09-14-2001
Most people would use head or tail in a case like this.
start="$( grep 'START TIME' filename | head -1 |cut -c15-33)"
end="$( grep 'END TIME' filename | tail -1 |cut -c15-33)"
# 3  
Old 09-14-2001
Bug Thanks

I should of known to use head or tail. I was making it more complicated than it was...

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