Finding difference in 1st field for rows of data

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# 1  
Old 02-07-2013
Finding difference in 1st field for rows of data

I have a file that has multiple lines, of grouped data, that typically all have the same values in the 1st field, however, I would like to search the 1st field for any differences and set a flag to use in an "if" statement to run some other routine.

An example of the typical file is below, which is a comma separated file:

1st field     2nd field     3rd field
   "20"  ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "20"  ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "20"  ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "20"  ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "20"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"
   "20"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"
   "20"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"
   "20"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"

I want to set a flag for each data set of the 3rd field, if the file has differences in the 1st field like below:
1st field     2nd field     3rd field
   "20"  ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "1"   ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "20"  ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "20"  ,       "file1"     ,   "xxxx"
   "1"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file2"     ,   "yyyy"
   "20"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"
   "1"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"
   "20"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"
   "20"  ,       "file3"     ,   "zzzz"

One method I've tried so far is to strip out the lines where the 3rd field is all the same, and then try to run through each line and check the 1st field for differences.

I've tried the following, but can't get it to work.
 awk -F ',' '{f = $1} {for (i=1;i<=NR;i++) if ($1 != $f) {printf "%s\n", "FAIL"} }' tmpfile > fail.log

Last edited by co21ss; 02-07-2013 at 02:29 PM.. Reason: Add awk method used
# 2  
Old 02-07-2013
Not clear. The file seems to be comma AND multiple space delimited. AND, first four lines (and next four ... etc.) seem to contain identical values. It's easy to set a flag on a field changing, but to what avail? Where does $1 == "1" into play? I don't see a connection between your input sample and the desired output you post. Pls be more specific, post more detailed input / output samples.
And, btw, don't use $f in your awk script. That's a shell'ism; use f to reference the variable itself. In awk, $f would address the f'th field of the input line...
# 3  
Old 02-07-2013
Originally Posted by RudiC
Not clear. The file seems to be comma AND multiple space delimited. AND, first four lines (and next four ... etc.) seem to contain identical values. It's easy to set a flag on a field changing, but to what avail? Where does $1 == "1" into play? I don't see a connection between your input sample and the desired output you post. Pls be more specific, post more detailed input / output samples.
And, btw, don't use $f in your awk script. That's a shell'ism; use f to reference the variable itself. In awk, $f would address the f'th field of the input line...
Sorry for not being clear. The code is not space separated, but just shown as such to clarify the input. Here is a better example:

Typical input -

Non-typical input -

In the non-typical input case, I would like to create an output, such as "FAIL", to use in a later routine if the 1st field is different from the rest for any of the individual files.

The 1st field will not always be known, but however is a value input from another file entirely. The goal here is run a script to automate having to visually look through the file for differences in the 1st field for any "file1" or "file2" lines of the file.

Last edited by co21ss; 02-07-2013 at 05:08 PM.. Reason: clarification
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