I have different things that I was trying to do but am kind of struggling with this since I'm a Linux noob. The backround is that I have two files with student names in the same directory, and each file lists the student name, their major and their grade level. What is the most efficient way to get a total count of students that are only enrolled in one class (listed only once) from these two files?
Initially I tried to get a count and pipe it out, but was at a loss as to how to get a count of the students only enrolled in one class, but this is where I am at now.
The second problem is I need to print the names of the senior history majors that are enrolled in both of these classes only printing their name once. I'm stuck on this one too, so I'm not sure if there is a better command I should be using? Here's where I'm at on that one:
. When I do this is just seems to return a list of all students in both classes so is there a way to egrep two different strings? Thanks in advance for any help or guidance you can provide!
Last edited by Scrutinizer; 11-10-2012 at 05:40 PM..
Reason: code tags
Thanks for the help everyone, I appreciate it. bipinajith, on yours the second one is really close, I get a list of names if I don't use the -d flag for uniq, but when I use the -d flag for uniq I don't get any output.
@ Guru on the first bit of code I get an error of bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'i' and on the second code I don't get any output. Is it possible that there are other plugins I need to install? I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 on Cisco Virtualbox since I didn't have a spare system to install this on. Also, does anyone have the man pages in pdf format...was just thinking it would be nice to have a local copy to search when looking up commands. Thanks again all!
This will return the names that only appear in one file. The "greater than" and "lesser than" symbols indicate which file the names appear in, with '<' indicating the first file, (HIS200.txt in this case).
Last edited by sudon't; 11-18-2012 at 05:39 PM..
Reason: a little more info
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
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