Parsing file, reading each line to variable, evaluating date/time stamp of each line
So, the beginning of my script will cat & grep a file with the output directed to a new file. The data I have in this file needs to be parsed, read and evaluated.
Basically, I need to identify the latest date/time stamp and then calculate whether or not it is within 15 minutes of the current date/time at run time.
My logic:
-read each line into an array using a while loop
-create a variable for each date/time stamp per line
-compare the date/time stamp from one line to the next to determine the most recent
-keep evaluating dat/time stamps until EOF
-once most recent date/time stamp has been identified, check to see that it is within 15 minutes of current date/time
- print message to screen "check complete, time is within 15 minutes" .. OR .. "check failed, time exceeds 15 minutes"
here is the test data set:
I appreciate any help that can be provided. I am new to Unix and have only done some light coding in C+ and Java ... VERY light coding at that.
Transforming and calculating timestamps isn't trivial and different systems have different utilities for it. If you don't have Linux you might have to do at least some bits in Perl. What's your system?
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$ cat lockedusers.txt
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Hi All,
I have been using a program on windows called AutoKey.
My environment at work is Linux and I have been experimenting with expect. Very powerful. I can move my AutoKey scripts to Linux using Expect once I am educated on how to read from a file using Expect.
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I have file A.txt
A 1023
B 123
C 1223
I want output
Hello_12PM_A 1023
Hello_12PM_B 123
Helll_12PM_C 1223
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Is there anyway to do it simple instead of manually taking date/stamp of first file?
Prvn (2 Replies)
So, I want to read line-by-line a text file with unknown number of files....
while ; do
b=`sed -n '$ap' test`
a=`expr $a + 1`
$here do something with b etc
the problem is that sed does not seem to recognise the $a, even when trying
sed -n ' $a p'
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while read line
printf "%s\n" ${line}
done <datafile.txt
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I get as far as:
file=`cat data.txt`
for data in "$file"
echo "Record is: $data"
The output of this is not what I was expecting:
Record is: This is record one
This is record two
This is... (4 Replies)
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