pull date from header and append to all records

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers pull date from header and append to all records
# 1  
Old 07-06-2011
pull date from header and append to all records

I did some searches, but couldn't really find what I'm looking for. I have a file formatted as below:

BOF      ABC CO - XYZ COMM  DATA OF  07/05/2011
EBA00000001 sdfa rtyus uyml
EBB00000001 54682 984w3  
EBA00000002 mkiyuasdf 98234

I want to pull the date from the header record and add it to the beginning of each record.

07/05/2011BOF      ABC CO - XYZ COMM  DATA OF  07/05/2011
07/05/2011EBA00000001 sdfa rtyus uyml
07/05/2011EBB00000001 54682 984w3  
07/05/2011EBA00000002 mkiyuasdf 98234

Any suggestions?


Last edited by joeyg; 07-06-2011 at 04:46 PM.. Reason: Please wrap CodeTags around scripts and data
# 2  
Old 07-06-2011
awk 'NR==1{d=$9}{$0=d$0}1' file

# 3  
Old 07-06-2011
Hmmm....doesn't seem to like that...

[MBM10.0.1p6/test] # awk 'NR==1{d=$9}{$0=d$0}1' TEST.FILE.CONV
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1
[MBM10.0.1p6/test] #

# 4  
Old 07-06-2011
What system are you using? Try this if it is Solaris:
nawk 'NR==1{d=$9}{$0=d$0}1' file

# 5  
Old 07-07-2011
That ran(I am on Solaris), but something still isn't quite right. The record length before adding the date is fixed 750 characters. I need the date added to every line, including the header, to making each record 758 characters fixed. Below is the beginning and end of the record of the first few lines in the file. You can see the date is not added to the beginning of the header record, which throws off the record length/wrapping of all subsequent records. The 'X' indicates the end of the record and should be in position 758 with the date added. Then each record after the header should start '20110705EB'. I can also see the 20110705 date added to each record(except the header), but it seems to be added somewhere in the middle of the record.


beginning of record:
00000000000│BOF      ABC NXP - ABC BILLING  DATA OF  07/05/2011 TO REMOTE N
00000000759│17FI AQ7 H73 AQ7015425  WINNER    JOHN R SMITH
00000001518│73 AQ7015425 00000001AQ7015425 USDWINNER    JOHN R SMITH
00000002277│26  STETZ     IRA FBO   JOHN SMITH            ABC LLC AS CUSTOD

end of record:
00000000000│                                                           XEBB00000
00000000759│                                                 XEBB000000017FI AQ7
00000001518│                                       XEBB000000027FI AQ7 JC7 AQ700
00000002277│                             XEBB000000027FI AQ7 JC7 AQ7002126 00000

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