Replacing | with a comma

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# 1  
Old 06-10-2011
Replacing | with a comma

I have a huge file

which is pipe delimiter and i want to replace the pipe delimiter to a comma

Please Help as its v urgent.

Ex: parent|child|alias|....Heading of the file...and the data is of similar structure.
# 2  
Old 06-10-2011
tr \| , < infile >_new && mv -- _new infile

# 3  
Old 06-10-2011
Have you tried the tr command?

Edit: radoulov was faster.
# 4  
Old 06-10-2011
Super...Thanks so much
# 5  
Old 06-10-2011
Other methods too

In vi:

sed 's/\|/\,/g' inputfile.txt > inputfile.out

processing the file with the pipes:
IFS='|'  # Change the input field separator
while read field1 field2 field3 field4
  print $field1 $field2 $field3 $field4
done < inputfile.txt

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