awk basics and ebook request

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# 1  
Old 03-19-2011
Lightbulb awk basics and ebook request

Dear All,

Could someone suggest a resource where I can start learning awk from scratch. I'm a biologist with little command line experience but I need some data analysis to be done. I've realised from reading forums and talking to bioinformaticians that awk is extremely powerful to perform pattern searches, in doing calculations within fields of a file and data manipulation.
Although I have zero knowledge of awk and I would like to start from basics. Most of the stuff I see on the internet is not biologist oriented, so I find it difficult to follow.
I have been suggested a book called
Computational Biology -

Unix/Linux, Data Processing and Programming

Wünschiers, Röbbe

but I cant find a free download link.

Can anyone share this book if you have it or if you know where I can get a free copy, because apparently its supposed to teach awk and sed to biologists.

I'll appreciate your feedback.

Have a nice sunday.

# 2  
Old 03-19-2011
What you are asking for is illegal!
If you need that book, just buy it!
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