Alphabetical sort for multi line records contains in a single file
Hi all,
I So, I've got a monster text document comprising a list of various company names and associated info just in a long list one after another. I need to sort them alphabetically by name...
The text document looks like this:
Company Name:
If I only wanted to alphabetically sort the names then that would be a simple:
but that doesn't help me rearrange all the other bits of data associated with each Company Name. My grasp of regular expressions is woefully poor... is there a simple way to chop up the file into separate records by using the line "Company Name:" to signal the start of each new record, alphabetically sort the values for each Company Name: field, and then reassemble the document with all the other bits of each record in the right place?
The value for each field is always on the line immediately below it. Each record is of varying length, as some lack certain fields (e.g., not all will have a SomeOtherValue: field, or whatever). Some have data across multiple lines. The only things that are common throughout are the Company Name: field which is ALWAYS at the start of a new record, and the fact that there are always 3 empty lines immediately preceding each "Company Name:" label as in the example above.
Does anybody have an elegant solution for this? Or a not-so-elegant solution?
One thought is to put each record on one line.
If each company name preceded by-
Add the ~ so can later force new-line. Get rid of extra new-lines by replacing with ^. Make the ~ into new lines so every record now on one line.
Do your sort. Then
to put the new-lines back in there.
Thanks for your help. Your solution didn't work for some reason - it messed up something that meant everything reassembled completely out of order. I have a feeling there may have been some irregularities in my data after all.. Anyway, I managed to bodge together a fix in C so it's all good
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Source file
07/15/2018 17:02:00 TRANSLOG_1700 Server0005_SQL ... (2 Replies)
Hi All,
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I tried below but it did not work.
for i in... (6 Replies)
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>ENST00000558922 cdna:KNOWN
My Oracle query is returing below o/p
Ins trnas value
a lkp1 x
a lkp1 y
b lkp1 a
b lkp2 x
b lkp2 y ... (7 Replies)
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At first I was considering doing something like this to append all of the record rows into a single row:
... (4 Replies)
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Some stuff
Banana 1
Some more stuff
Some stuff
Some stuff
Some more stuff
Banana 2
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******Org. Multi-line)
BAM admin ... (3 Replies)
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of every record and extract every-other line in each record unless the first line of the record has the word "(CONT)" in the... (10 Replies)