matching points in Gnuplot

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# 1  
Old 10-05-2009
Question matching points in Gnuplot

Does anyone know how can one draw lines between 2 sets of data for the same point.

let's say that the three points

(x1,y1) = (1,2) (4,5) (8.9)

(x2,y2) = (3,6) (6,4) (4, 0)

so if I want to plot these points and match every (x1,y1) with the corresponding (x2,y2), how can I do it?
Any idea??
# 2  
Old 10-07-2009
Does the question make sense?
# 3  
Old 10-08-2009

This is one method that I've found so far. It consists of splitting up the data in separate files, then using the mulitplot command to place the plot on top on one another. So there is a driver script, a file of commands, and files of data points. This is a demonstration with the terminal (very low resolution, but easily pastable):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# @(#) s2	Demonstrate gnuplot multiplot for connecting point pairs.

set +o nounset
echo "Environment: LC_ALL = $LC_ALL, LANG = $LANG"
echo "(Versions displayed with local utility \"version\")"
version >/dev/null 2>&1 && version "=o" $(_eat $0 $1) gnuplot my-nl
set -o nounset


echo " Commands file $FILE:"
cat $FILE

echo " Data files, point*:"
my-nl point*

echo " Results:"
gnuplot $FILE 

exit 0

% ./s2 data5

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 2.6.26-2-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 
GNU bash 3.2.39
gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 2 
my-nl (local) 296

 Commands file data5:
# set terminal postscript eps colour
set terminal dumb 40 20
set multiplot
set xrange [-1:15]
set yrange [-1:15]
unset autoscale xy
# set size 1,1
# set origin 0,0
# Input file contains comma-separated values fields
set datafile separator ","
plot 'points.1' with lines
plot 'points.2' with lines
plot 'points.3' with lines
unset multiplot

 Data files, point*:

==> points.1 <==

  1 1.0,2.0
  2 3.0,6.0

==> points.2 <==

  1 4,5
  2 6,4

==> points.3 <==

  1 8,9
  2 4,0


  14 +++   +   +   'points.1' ******++
     |                               |
  12 ++                             ++
     |                               |
  10 ++                             ++
     |                 *             |
   8 ++                *            ++
     |                *              |
   6 ++      *       *              ++
     |      *  **** *                |
   4 ++    *       **               ++
     |    *        *                 |
   2 ++  *        *                 ++
     |           *                   |
   0 +++   +   *   +   +   +   +   +++
       0   2   4   6   8   10  12  14

If this is the easiest (or only) method, then the real problem will be to separate the data points with a script to avoid error-prone manual data manipulation.

Perhaps someone will stop in to show us a better method ... cheers, drl
# 4  
Old 10-09-2009
Originally Posted by drl

This is one method that I've found so far. It consists of splitting up the data in separate files, then using the mulitplot command to place the plot on top on one another. So there is a driver script, a file of commands, and files of data points. This is a demonstration with the terminal (very low resolution, but easily pastable):
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# @(#) s2    Demonstrate gnuplot multiplot for connecting point pairs.

set +o nounset
echo "Environment: LC_ALL = $LC_ALL, LANG = $LANG"
echo "(Versions displayed with local utility \"version\")"
version >/dev/null 2>&1 && version "=o" $(_eat $0 $1) gnuplot my-nl
set -o nounset


echo " Commands file $FILE:"
cat $FILE

echo " Data files, point*:"
my-nl point*

echo " Results:"
gnuplot $FILE 

exit 0

% ./s2 data5

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 2.6.26-2-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 
GNU bash 3.2.39
gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 2 
my-nl (local) 296

 Commands file data5:
# set terminal postscript eps colour
set terminal dumb 40 20
set multiplot
set xrange [-1:15]
set yrange [-1:15]
unset autoscale xy
# set size 1,1
# set origin 0,0
# Input file contains comma-separated values fields
set datafile separator ","
plot 'points.1' with lines
plot 'points.2' with lines
plot 'points.3' with lines
unset multiplot

 Data files, point*:

==> points.1 <==

  1 1.0,2.0
  2 3.0,6.0

==> points.2 <==

  1 4,5
  2 6,4

==> points.3 <==

  1 8,9
  2 4,0


  14 +++   +   +   'points.1' ******++
     |                               |
  12 ++                             ++
     |                               |
  10 ++                             ++
     |                 *             |
   8 ++                *            ++
     |                *              |
   6 ++      *       *              ++
     |      *  **** *                |
   4 ++    *       **               ++
     |    *        *                 |
   2 ++  *        *                 ++
     |           *                   |
   0 +++   +   *   +   +   +   +   +++
       0   2   4   6   8   10  12  14

If this is the easiest (or only) method, then the real problem will be to separate the data points with a script to avoid error-prone manual data manipulation.

Perhaps someone will stop in to show us a better method ... cheers, drl

Wow, this seems to complicated to me Smilie Smilie
I am really shocked actually that there is no easy way to draw a vector from an old to a new x,y position... that's really sad Smilie
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