"dd" on small to large partitions ?

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# 1  
Old 07-24-2009
"dd" on small to large partitions ?

I want to clone a 3.5GB partition from a pen drive (that contains a remastered version of XUbuntu), onto a number of other computers whose hard drives are much larger. The procedure I have tried so far is to:

1) use Gparted Live CD to create a large partition on the target machine and a much smaller swap partition.

2) reboot and then using the same Live CD, insert the master pen drive and then use the dd command as such:

"dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sda1 bs=32256"

However, this results in a long copy time and "df -h" shows that the target partition is almost full - even though it is significantly larger than the source partition which was copied to it.

The only way I can see of doing this task is to make the target partition the same size and then use gParted afterwards to expand that partition.

Any other ideas greatly appreciated.
# 2  
Old 07-24-2009
You certainly can copy an image of a partiton from a small partition to a larger partition or filesystem using dd. Your problem is that you forgot to add a "count=" option.

BTW, if you want to ensure your copy is exact you can use dcfldd which will calculate and check MD5 hashes as it is doing the copy. dcfldd is a forensics image copy tool which is freely available.
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