Originally Posted by
shanul karim
From above description i got the idea in general.
Fine. But: You should try to get a more profound understanding.
But if you can explain code line by line.. I mean each variable and method.
I don't feel this is a good approach. It would be better you check each line, variable and method yourself with the help of e.g.
man awk and e.g. printing out intermediate steps / variables like
OUT, or
TMP. If you really, really get stuck with a statement or result, post back very specifically, and people may jump in.
This may seem tedious on first sight, but will be rewarding in the long run.
Originally Posted by
shanul karim
Dear RudC,
Can we have changes in your script according to below data..
Can almost certainly be done, but the input file changed profoundly: I can't tell where and how fields / values are separated; it seems all just a looong unstructured string. So, the script / logics may need to be turned upside down. On top, some fields / characters (
; , final
" ) seem missing...