The privilege you have permits you to become the superuser, but not to directly run anything from your account but as the superuser.
If you can become the superuser, then I presume you are the system administrator (or part of the team) so you should know how to write yourself the appropriate sudo rule. Can you show us what you have tried?
- - CAUTION - -
If you break the
sudo rules, then it is possible to lock yourself out, i.e. if they are invalid then you may not be able to even
sudo su - like you can at the moment.
Make sure you have several superuser session already connected before you do this, and better to use the
visudo tool too. It protects you somewhat, but it's probably not infallible.
Take copies of any files before you changes them and make sure you have a way and privilege to put them back if you need to. Save the permissions, else
sudo may still refuse to run.